
Bradford & District 8-15 Golf Association


1 - The Association shall be called the "Bradford & District 8-15 Golf Association" (founded 1975), hereinafter called the "Association".

2 - The objects of the Association shall be:-

(a) to foster competitive golf in the 8-15 handicap range amongst Member Clubs of the Association, hereinafter called "Member Clubs"

(b) to arrange Championships, Competitions and Matches to be competed in by Member Clubs and their Individual Members.

3 - Membership of the Association is restricted to recognised Golf Clubs in the area, which are affiliated to the English Golf Union and shall be subject to election by the Executive Committee.

4 - The annual subscription for Member Clubs shall be determined by the Executive Committee at the Annual General Meeting and shall be due within twenty eight days of receipt of the account by the Member Club.

5 - The Officers of the Association shall be the President, Senior Vice-President, Junior Vice-President, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer and League Secretary, all of whom shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting and shall continue in office until the next Annual General Meeting. The Immediate Past President shall also remain an Officer of the Association until the next Annual General Meeting. The posts of President, Senior Vice-President, Junior Vice-President of the Association shall be nominated by the Past Presidents of the Association.

6 - From time to time, the Officers of the Association may recommend the appointment of a person to the position of Honorary Life Member, in recognition of special services rendered to the Association.

7 - The affairs of the Association shall be managed by an Executive Committee, consisting of the Officers of the Association and one representative from each of the Member Clubs in the Association. Each Member Club may invite other interested members to attend as observers, at the discretion of the President. Honorary Life Member and Past Presidents shall also be members of the Executive Committee and entitled to vote. The Executive Committee shall meet as deemed necessary by the President. Seven days notice of all meetings shall be given and one-third of the voting members shall form a quorum.

8 - Championships, Competitions and Matches shall be managed by the Officers of the Association and such co-opted members as they may from time to time determine.

9 - Entry fees for Championships shall be decided by the Executive Committee and notified to all Member Clubs before the first Championship each year.

10 - An Annual General Meeting shall be held during the months of February or March, at which the Report and Accounts for the year ending 31st December preceding shall be presented. At least fourteen days' notice thereof shall be given by the Honorary Secretary to each Member Club.

11 - A Special Meeting may be convened by the President and the Honorary Secretary, when they deem it necessary, or upon receipt of a written request from two Member Clubs. The Honorary Secretary shall give at least fourteen Day's notice of such a meeting, and the business to be transacted thereat, to all Member Clubs. Only business of which such notice has been given shall be transacted. A resolution must receive a majority of two-thirds of voting members present to be approved.

12 - At an Annual General Meeting and a Special Meeting, the Officers of the Association, Honorary Life Member and Past Presidents of the Association and two representatives from each Member Club are entitled to vote. Voting representatives of seven Member Clubs shall form a quorum.

13 - In the event of a tied vote at any meeting, the Chairman shall have the casting vote.

14 - The Honorary Secretary shall convene, attend and take minutes of all meetings, shall keep in a book the correct minutes of all proceedings and shall produce such minute book at all meetings. He shall prepare and send copies of a yearly financial statement, prepared by the Honorary Treasurer, to the Secretary of each Member Club at least fourteen days before the Annual General Meeting, together with a notice inviting nomination for the posts of non-presidential officers.

15 - A Member Club wishing to withdraw from the Association shall give notice in writing to the Honorary Secretary by the 30th September in any year, but shall be liable for any monies owing at the date of resignation.

16 - These Regulations may be altered or repealed at an Annual General Meeting or Special Meeting of the Association, but not otherwise. A copy of any suggested alteration(s) must be forwarded to the Honorary Secretary of each Member Club in the Association not less than fourteen days before the date of the Annual General Meeting or Special Meeting and must accompany the notice convening the meeting. A resolution must receive a majority of two-thirds of voting members present to be approved

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